Please join the West Geauga Educational Foundation for our 25th Annual Pancake Breakfast. We serve a fantastic McDonald’s pancake breakfast at the Chesterland McDonald’s on Thursday, November 26th from 730am until 1130am. A beverage is included in the breakfast. All proceeds are used to fund the West Geauga Educational Foundation Grants that are awarded in October and February to applicants pursuing innovational projects in education.
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The 2nd Annual Kickstart College Fair will be held Monday, April 27. Pre-fair speakers will start presenting at 5pm and the fair starts at 6:30pm.
Plenty of parking is available surrounding the West Geauga High School Campus located at 13401 Chillicothe Road, Chesterland, OH 44026
For a detailed agenda – Agenda
For a printable version of the Flyer: Kickstart2015Poster